Irrespective of who
won the case
in court …outside of
it History wins every time.
A great man
said : History will sift
the dead men
into heroes and
I say History
has the ability
to sift the
living…the present into
heroes and villains
No, it is
not the courts,
the constitution or
the wise men, it
is the burden
called history suffered
by the lowest
common denominator of
the society that defines
our heroism or
calls us villains….that is
the power of
OJ Simpson won, Zimmerman won
but their fates will be
decided by History.
We might live
in the present
but our heads
and hearts live
in the past.
We let it
teach us everything
we know from
science to philosophies
to constitution and
laws to food
to how to
wipe our asses. We
are but extensions
of it.
We live our
grandfathers and grandmothers
lives again and
again …though we dress
differently, talk and
walk differently our
heads live with
them…at least the
majority of us do so consciously
or unconsciously.
We might
eat, touch, see, smell,
hear for ourselves
but we suffer
and judge for
No, the good
memories don’t play
a role here. We
don’t remember the
camaraderie or the
love at least
a few of our ancestors
must have shared
amongst themselves.

A single man can have a good memory but History will not let him.
A single man
might right a
wrong…. Be reasonable ..but influenced
by history even
that single man
will get into
the overcorrection mode.
Societies do it every single
time: From one
end of the
spectrum it jumps
to the other
end….it over compensates.
I will
give an example : You
pick up ten
dollars that is
not rightfully yours. What happens? Very soon
you will feel
guilty. And you will
try to compensate
by giving away
the ten dollars
to someone. The one
you took from
and the one
you it give
away need not be the
same and what
you did in
the past you
are correcting in
the future:that is
It is
a proven fact
that guilt when
over compensates does
not care for
time, place or
persons. Similarly fear and
distrust works.
History makes
you do exactly
that : over compensate…over correct.
It lets us
be wise when we quote
the greats
during speeches or
on their birthdays.
The rest of
the times history
teaches us to be emotional
and hence opinionated…it dictates
the truth and
once the truth
is spoken there
is no scope
for discussion or
logical reasoning .
And history has
all the answers
and never a
question . There is no
way one can
discuss or argue with
the dead and
Yes, they suffered…..History is
full of suffering…and
not just one
community…it is spread
across the world.
History is the greatest
lesson in survival
of the fittest….but
there has
to be empathy too
or else we
wouldn’t have come
this far.
Your forefathers
repressed the society :
today you suffer
Your forefathers
got repressed : today
you suffer anger,
fear and distrust.
Either side suffers
it if not
on a conscious
level then a
subconscious and unconscious
To either side
History does no
Whenever History rears its
ugly head it
teaches the repressed
side fear and
not hope or
faith. It teaches it
to follow the
dead ideas and
the old pain
It makes the
repressed side of
the present to breed an archaic
shared unconsciousness.
It preaches the
repressed side of
the present the moral
and cognitive abilities
of the least
capable members of
historic times.
It breeds fear
and all fear
breeds is distrust
and anger.
Hold on to
History and it
will create a
panic that identity
of a certain
set might be
lost even in
this present….that the certain set
will have to
suffer again.
And if
it gives rise
to fear, anger and distrust
on one side
it gives rise
to guilt on
the other.
What can
guilt do?
It takes away
logic in the
name of debt
that has not
been ours in the
first place.
It makes us
forgive the present
in the name
of a past….justice is
replaced by empathy,
reasons become excuses,
a trail becomes
a stage for self
criticism. People from
the guilty set
will suffer a
pain that is
not their doing
which itself blurs
logic and does
not correct the
balance but overcorrects
the circumstances. The guilty
set will overcompensate the
past by ignoring
the ills of the
What does
anger and guilt cultivated through
History do to
modern societies?
The past
was unjust so
the guilty and
frightened societies will
make the present
unjust …and when present
is unjust future
will be unjust
too! This way
the cycle of injustice will
never end.
Anger and guilt
makes people into
mobs and forces
them to pass
judgments through numbers
and not through
logic….through sound and
not reason. …through the
same power that
made History so
vile….through the same
sensory overload that
created such a
history in the
first place.
If anything in
this world is born out
of an emotional experience
of the past
it will give
rise to the misplaced logic that the past
will be repeated.
We have to
realize this is
not the past.
We have left
it behind. This
is the present
with a different
set of people….definitely more
this is not
Utopia but this
is not stone
age either.
Racism, castism, sexism,
classism, ageism, homophobia, ableism ….all sorts
of isms from
the past have
managed to just
do this : create a
mob out of
people…and make
them into a
headless frightened or
guilty mass
whose individual identity
is lost in
the present because
of a past
whatever it gives
rise to : anger or
guilt, neither is
helpful in the healthy
functioning of a
civilized society.
My grandfathers screwed
your grandfather so
you will screw
me today….so my
grand children will
screw your grandchildren….it is
a typical case
of jumping a
generation or two….till
this world gets
I will
pay for my
grandfathers mistake
and your children
will pay for
your mistake.
Just like America
has racism India
has castism and
similarly every single
community has something
that gives rise
to guilt in
a certain community
and anger in the other….trying
to overcorrect will
only make guilt
and anger change
sides and nothing
So, Please can we
have a present
without the burden
of past? At least
let us try.
What we need
is leaders who
can rise above
History and guide
the world out
of its guilt and
Leaders who can
think in the present
while living in
the present…without a
burden of the
Who can have
their heart in
the rightful place
and head above
their shoulders.
Their words will
not be experiences
of our forefathers
but logic and
They can see
right from a
wrong…a mob from
a man…past from
a present.
If not we will
be creating a
today that carries
the same fear and distrust
that our ancestors
gave us and we
We will hand
it over to
a tomorrow that
will suffer from
the overcorrections of
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