Propaganda of Hate
: that is what we buy
and media sells
Rolling stone’s magazine
cover has the
photo of the
Boston bomber.
Rolling stone came
out with a
statement explaining why
they did what
they did.
Well, the
editor was trying
to analyze what
happened in the
life of an
eighteen year old to get
off the rail
and take up
something like terrorism.
What’s wrong in
Nothing. In fact
we all should
analyze why the
young man did
what he did ….because
after all he
was born of
our society and
he was not
born a terrorist…he
was a making
of this very
world…he did not
come from mars!
In fact we should go ahead and analyze why do young people ruin theirs and others lives by being into crimes, drugs, prostitution and god knows what. …we should analyze all sorts of evils…young, old and dead so as to find solutions because that is the only proactive way societies can cooperate and grow in harmony….and not create more wars and take away every single ounce of freedom.
We should analyze why these great leaders who spewed hatred against a certain set of people thrived and went on to become great leaders.
We have to analyze if we have to survive and grow as humans.
....but lets us not go off in a tangent.
Rolling stone put
the photograph of
the Boston Bomber
on the cover
page. What’s wrong with
Nothing. Because they are
businessmen….they sell
…there is a
demand and they
supply. Despite issues and
freedom this and
freedom that they
are a business that’s
all. It helps
them sell…so they
sell. Magazines, newspaper, TV
channels every other
thing is being
sold this way
now a day’s…create a
nuisance value and
make millions.
So what’s
wrong then?
I will tell you
what’s wrong: We…THE
PEOPLE….YOU and ME….we
are wrong.
Because we have
created a demand….society creates
a demand and
businessmen supply.
Rolling stones
or any other
media are not
the fault we
Remember Ayatollah Khomeini? who declared a death sentence against Salman easy was to divide the world on hatred.
Someone is always hating someone.
We the headless
idiots who have
been ranting all
over internet and
every place possible
how we hate
the bomber and rolling
stone and this
and that.
Rolling stone knew
exactly how we
all will react
to the photo.
They knew exactly
the amount of hatred
anger we have bottled
up inside
us and how
easy and quick
we are to
spill it.
As calculated the
world went into
a frenzy.
Half the world
hates it and
the other half
doesn’t hate it....both
the halves will buy
it just to
see what is in it.
The bottom
line :
We are ruled
by hatred and
anger so much
that people can sell an
idea based just
on that and
we will buy
Hitler did it so well.
Albert Einstein
said : “Only two
things are infinite ,
the universe and
human stupidity, and
I’m not sure
about the former.”
He couldn’t have
been more true.
The magazine is
not wrong…..
We are
Believe me it cannot
be darker for
We must be going
through the worst
phase of civilization.
Religion teaches
us love and
And today
more than ever
we have an
overdose of it.
Yet…instead of having
love and peace, all that we have hate
and anger.
Everyone knows
hate sells so only thing we will
see in media
is someone expressing
hatred over another….in
the name of
religion, patriotism and
this and that
and God knows
what shit .
The one
thing all those
Gods and great
men we so
adore in history
died for : Wisdom, Love and peace…..and
we don’t have
an ounce of it.
It’s really the
shittiest thing : this
world is divided
by hate. Voila!
I think it
is time we
got our IQ’s
We no longer
ask questions or
try to analyze
We are opinionated
and judgmental and
we hate without
much thought.
We have never
been more stupid....and our kids will inherit a world full of hatred from us!
By the
way this is
the definition of
Deep, enduring,
intense emotion
expressing animosity, anger
and hostility towards
a person ,
a group or
an object .
P.S : this is
what has been
confirmed by psychologists
around the world :
Hatred is a
long lasting emotional
state and is
more of an
attitude or disposition
of the
person who hates.
So if
you still hate
someone please do
a service to
the world and
change your disposition,
your attitude, nature,
character, temperament… the
way they are
all synonyms….and this
message is for
both side of
the hating world….the
terrorists who hate
us and we
all who hate
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